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Wieldy is a wee windows programme that allows the manipulation of Windows applications. It is intended for those who use interpreted languages of other packages and want to call batch files or other external programmes to help them achieve certain effects, like run a programme in the background or change its title. You can also use Wieldy to change the way programmes are run from Program Manager, for example run Calculator always on top. You just let Wieldy execute your programme and specify how the programme is to be run.
To run Calculator in Restored size and change its title to Abacus, just run
Note that Wieldy is case sensitive only for the new title. Wieldy can also be used to close applications or to make them always on top:
The above AutoLISP command keeps the DOS shell window on top of the window list.
Here is another example. When in File Manager click File|Run and enter
WIELDY WD File Manager
This destroys File Manager. When run without a programme name, Wieldy lets you point at a window, assuming that you want to turn it into a topmost window.
Wieldy is by no means perfect. It is in fact very simple and has a restricted usefulness. It can easily be beaten by any of the common windows batch systems.
But, it is free and very small (22016 bytes), so for some purposes it is much faster to use Wieldy to iconize a window or to make it topmost, as in the example above, than to load a batch system and ask it to execute a one-line batch file. That is certainly not much. Anyway, it might help you to achieve simple window manipulation.
Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all supporting documentation.
Octocad makes no warranty, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the software and accompanying materials. The software and accompanying materials are provided solely on an as-is basis.
In no event shall Octocad be liable to any special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the software or accompanying materials.
Please download here
wield21.zip (23,522 bytes)